Mosquitoes are pesky creatures that are known to transmit various diseases to humans, including malaria, diarrhea, dengue, and so on. It is very important not to let standing water accumulate around your property in Kansas City, as these are ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes and many other pests.
If you have a mosquito infestation in your backyard, Saela Pest control professionals can help you come up with a treatment plan. Meanwhile, read this blog to understand some of the most common breeding places for mosquitoes for effective prevention.
What are common breeding places for mosquitoes?
Female mosquitoes, after breeding, can lay hundreds of eggs at a time. After hatching, the larvae will turn into adults within two weeks. Since they can multiply so rapidly, it is crucial to know their common breeding places to stop an infestation.
Some of the most common breeding places for mosquitoes include:
- Flowering plants
Many people in Kansas City plant flowers around their property for beauty and aesthetics. However, these nectar-producing flowers could attract various mosquitoes. If you want to keep these pests at bay, make sure to plant them away from living spaces where you spend time, such as pool areas and children’s play areas.
- Garbage cans
Unsealed garbage cans may attract a variety of pests. Trash and garbage can collect water at the bottom. Make sure to check the cans, ensure the lid is closed, and remove any standing water.
- Outdoor fire pits
Outdoor fire pits with ash can also be a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests. Therefore, make sure you have a proper drainage system to prevent rainwater from collecting, which serves as a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes.
- Yarde waste
When maintaining your lawns or gardens and trimming shrubs and plants, make sure to dispose of them in a timely. This waste serves as a food source, attracting mosquitoes and other rodents.
- Dripping water faucets
These may not create large amounts of standing water; however, they can produce enough to create a breeding ground. Make sure to check the faucets after every use and ensure they are tightly closed and not dripping.
Other places where mosquitoes can breed and multiply include old tires, mud pots, birdbaths, gutters, woodpiles, children’s toys, etc.

What attracts mosquitoes?
What is driving mosquitoes to your backyard? There may be several things that can attract these pests. The most common factors are warmth and moisture. Therefore, if your Kansas City home is built near lakes or ponds and has birdbaths on the lawn, you might be attracting a lot of mosquitoes already.
Other than environmental factors, people can also attract mosquitoes by wearing dark-colored clothes, applying perfume, sweating profusely, and giving off carbon dioxide.
How does sweating attract mosquitos?
Mosquitoes are often attracted to human odor and moisture. During peak summer seasons, it is highly impossible to avoid these, and therefore, can attract mosquitoes.
The best you can do to avoid a mosquito bite is to keep the sweat from settling and invest in moisture-wicking fabrics. While sitting in your backyard, use outdoor fans. These will not only protect you from sweating continuously but also make it difficult for mosquitoes to fly around as they struggle to fly in the wind.
With that being said, if your backyards are not very windy, invest in some outdoor fans.
How can you stop mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes can be annoying and can take over your yard in no time. The first thing you need to do is clear away standing water. Change the water in bird baths regularly and ensure no water is collected in pet food bowls. To keep the insects limited to your lawn, install screens on windows and doors. Keep your lawns trimmed and neat, and if there is any water leakage issue, fix it immediately.
Are mosquitoes being a nuisance?
If standing water near your property has invited a lot of unwanted guests to your property, talk to a pest control expert in Kansas City today!